The Central App
The Central App
Everything Central Otago
The Central App
July Minutes 2024

July Minutes 2024

Date: 17 July 2024

Time: 5.30pm

Location: Lohi Linen

1. Shirley Smith – Manager iSite

Shirley informed the meeting that she had received the Tourism Strategy from the Otago University Masters students who had approached her earlier in the year. 

She said it was extensive, detailed, includes their research and recommendations in a wide variety of areas – business, culture, arts, cycling.  

Are we disseminating this to the wider group? What’s the plan?

2. Southern Dash / Janine Smith 

Planting project for 20 September – planning is underway, and they have received feedback on the main street designs.  

  • There will be 36 people available to plant for 1½ hours – should work well with good preplanning.
  • Southern Dash are also donating school bags, jackets and backpacks
  • Gordon has agreed planning can be done by the railway as well. 

Discussion was held about the possibility of moving the Eweburn Post Office building to provide rail trail users with direct view and access into the township. 

Shirley noted that if it was to be moved it would be a good time to consider the use of the building and develop some ideas about what the building could be used for. (It’s currently used for storage.)

3. Derek’s updates

  • Derek reminded the meeting that The Central App can be used to advertise events, and it has a huge number of users. 
  • The next community funding clinic in Ranfurly is on August 15 @ the Service Centre. Rebecca Williams – CODC is very helpful for any guidance needed for funding applications.
  • Signage
  • Janyne Fletcher and Kristina Wills are putting together a committee to provide options for Ranfurly signage. They have been talking with different groups in the community – Shirley noted that the school had come up with some great ideas.
  • Big signs to go up at the State highway entrances to Dunedin
  • Bianca from Fantail has been awarded a scholarship to do the Business South Leadership course
  • On 22 August the Maniototo Adventure Park is hosting a Business South BA5 event from 5.15pm on the 22nd of August, all welcome to attend. There will be one held in Ranfurly in 2025. 


4. Matariki Update 

  • Naseby’s Ice Festival was enjoyed by many
  • Lohi Linen Fashion show was a sold-out event and very well received – Owners intend for this to become an annual event. Tanya noted the highlight for her was working with the school students who designed their own fashion looks and wore them on the catwalk. She is working with the principal to see how this sustainable fashion design can be included in the school activities regularly.
  • The Matariki stars put up for the weekend also looked great and will happen again next year.

Working with Naseby for the next Matariki festival we should be able to create a destination weekend.

Derek noted the importance of working with the local newspaper to promote the events more widely, sending them photos is a good way of alerting them to what’s happening.

5. Gravel Bike Trails

Janine updated the meeting with an email she had received from Bill Morris saying that he had received enthusiastic responses from the cycling groups and magazines he had approached and a publicity shoot is planned for November.

6. Neat Places

Russ gave an update on the Neat Places group who are working with CODC on a Maniototo promotion – scheduled for 7 August. 

7. Dark Sky

Phil noted that the accreditation for this was progressing well and the Naseby Vision Group is hoping to receive 100% support from the community. CODC have adopted Plan Change 22. It will be the second community accreditation in the Southern Hemisphere. The Dark Sky organisation is based in Tuscon, AZ.

Derek to invite Naseby Vision Group to talk to business group as well as Paul Bishop

8. Facebook page for Maniototo Business Group

Gary noted that he was working with Phil to create a banner that better represented business in the Maniototo for the FB page. All suggestions are welcome. 

Next Meeting 

Date: 21 August 2024     Time: 5.30pm

Location: LoHi Linen

  • Please email any Agenda items to Derek - [email protected] 
  • Please email or text any apologies to Derek - 027 626 4730