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Rob Roy Glacier Walk

Rob Roy Glacier Walk

Updated Feb 17, 2025: Stay on track – missing person search in the area.

The track is open. As the police search is still underway visitors are asked to keep to the marked track if they wish to visit this area.

The primary search area is beyond the Rob Roy Track.

A diverse 10 km, 3-4 hours return track, starting in easy open farmlands leading into a dramatic alpine landscapes that include snowfields, glaciers, sheer rock cliffs and waterfalls. Incredible views of Rob Roy Glacier at the end of the track. Sit and listen to the movement of the ice that echoes throughout the valley.

The track begins at the raspberry Creek car park, 54 km west of Wānaka on the Wānaka-Mount Aspiring Road. The last 30 km are unsealed, the last 10 km is a fine weather road only with potential for washouts and flooded creeks that can be impassible in poor weather.

This track restricted to the lower lookout when avalanche danger is present (May-November).

No dogs or bikes.