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Glennys Logan Marriage Celebrant

Glennys Logan Marriage Celebrant

Marry Me, Glennys!

Oooh! How I love a wedding!

For over 10 amazing years now I have been marriage celebrant and I have been hugged (and I hug) – a lot!

I am married to my amazing husband Kim and we have a handsome son Inia.

I am outgoing and friendly, reliable and honest and addicted to Love…..

They call me the “Love Goddess” and I really, really like it!

Being a celebrant has changed my life. Helping Couples celebrate their special day – means the world to me.

I know, I know….there are so many MANY celebrants. How do you choose? How do you know what makes a great ceremony? Do you really


I think you should care. I think that unless I make every single ceremony I ever do the best wedding that you, your friends and your family have ever

been to – even before they have a drink in their hands – it’s just a very expensive party.

And…. I will give you homework. The kind that gives me the tools to make my promise a reality. It will take a little of your time – and it’s so worth it.

Fabulous weddings are fresh and fun. They are relaxed and entertaining.

And meaningful.

They are real, live, breathing moments to be remembered and talked about for years to come. They invite your guests to be a part of something

really special, not just to wait for it to be over. They make your friends cry and your mother laugh. They make your grandma want to hug me!

Fabulous weddings fill me with joy. They make my heart sing – and I love to share that joy with everyone around me.

And that’s why you should care. And if you do care (especially if you didn’t before) I’m probably the one for you!

LIVE life to the fullest, LOVE with all your heart,

WED fabulously! X