Cromwell or Alexandra - Ranfurly - Dunback - Hyde - Ranfurly - Alexandra/Cromwell.
SH8 to Clyde and at the bottom of the Clyde Hill (just past Clyde Dam) turn left onto Springvale Rd. Follow Springvale Rd to its end and then turn left onto SH85 and head to Ranfurly. This can be either through Ophir and the Ida Valley (Omakau-Ida Valley Rd) or on SH85. The two roads meet further into the Maniototo and you then continue to Ranfurly.
From Ranfurly follow SH85 to Dunback. At Dunback head to Macraes Flat then onto SH87 then SH85 back to Ranfurly. A “blue skies’ ride with less traffic and outstanding Maniototo scenery.
Alexandra to Macraes 144km.