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Central Otago Animal Welfare Network

Central Otago Animal Welfare Network

Animals are being demeaned, exploited, abused and neglected and demonized all over New Zealand. Attitudes, lies and propoganda are creating a society that looks the other way when animals are mistreated. Our animals need us more than ever to make a stand and show we care, and to speak for them when they cannot speak for themselves. We must say no to any animal cruelty and yes to a caring, compassionate community that loves and respects all living creatures.

Central Otago Animal Welfare Network is a group of fosterers, nurses, feeders, carers, fundraisers, and transporters who help the animals in Central Otago on behalf of registered charities and organisations .

We need your help, please get in touch if you are able to support us in some way. There are a lot of animals suffering out there and we are their only hope.