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AGM with guest speaker

AGM with guest speaker


Haehaeata Natural Heritage Trust AGM with guest speaker Dr. Matt McGlone

Hear about what the Trust has been up to over the last year. Also hear from our guest speaker Dr. Matt McGlone.

He is an emeritus researcher at Manaaki Whenua-Landcare Research, Lincoln, where he has worked during his entire career. He has published extensively on the vegetation and climate history of New Zealand, but also on many other aspects of the plant life and landscapes of these islands.

A vegetation history of the dry heart of New Zealand: Central Otago from the last Ice Age to the present.

Since the end of the Last Glaciation some 18,000 years ago, Central Otago has undergone radical transformations in its vegetation cover – from eroding cold desert to podocarp forest and then, with the arrival of humans, to a fire swept shrubland-grassland. In this talk, Matt McGlone will discuss these changes, their causes and future prospects.