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Southern Lakes Half Marathon & 10k Run

Southern Lakes Half Marathon & 10k Run

Fri 02 May 2025, 9:00 PM - Sat 03 May 2025, 12:00 AM

Start: Cardrona Valley

Road Races:

21km (9am start)

Start about 21km up the Cardrona Valley Road from Wānaka. You will see a great line of toilets against the fence beside the road. Turn into the treatment station access road and into the parking paddock from there.

10km Run/Walk (10am start)

Start about 10km up the Cardrona Valley Road from Wānaka. You will see a parking sign and flag on the left hand side of the road (if travelling from Wānaka) turn into the parking paddock there.

Online Registrations close: Wednesday April 30, 2025 at 8pm

There are NO ENTRIES on the Race Day